Variations pour la guitarre seule by Mauro Giuliani
tirées du Troisieme concert op. 70
Rev. and fingered by Antonino Maddonni
Mauro Giuliani left about two hundred opus numbers including solo works, chamber music and three concerts for guitar and orchestra, including the Third Concert op. 70 composed for the chitarra terzina or Terz gitarre. He particularly loved the chitarra terzina that had the peculiarity of being tuned by a minor third over the traditional guitar. Being more acute than the traditional guitar, this instrument had a more ringing voice and stood out well in dialogue with the orchestra or other instruments.
This work became so popular that it was published in the versions for the chitarra terzina accompanied by orchestra or string quartet or piano (the piano part was edited by the same publisher Diabelli), Polonaise concertante (third movement) for two guitars and finally a version of the Theme with Variations (second movement) for solo guitar which we publish here.
- Product: Self Print (PDF) or Print on Demand
- Length: 16 pages
- Level: Intermediate
Order number: BE-201011
ISMN 979-0-706816-33-3
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