Roland Chadwick - The Tale of the Terribly Well Dressed Cyclops of Cyclops Cottage
Story and Music by Roland Chadwick For Classic guitar and a narrator.
- Product: Self Print (PDF) or Print on Demand
- Length: 48 pages.
- Level: Advanced
- ISMN: 979-0-706821-08-5
The Cyclops - A Brief History
Cyclopes began their existence in Pre-Historic Times with two little eyes situated on either side of their nose. Over a very long period of Evolutionary Time these two little eyes joined together to make one big eye in the centre of their forehead just above their nose. This might seem strange to you and I but in Ancient Times it was thought by some wise people that this new eye was, in fact, the elusive and much sought after, Enlightened Third Eye. And so it was but the fact was that most people thought it too strange to deal with on a regular daily basis and Cyclopes' were forced out of polite society. This is sad because the Enlightened Third Eye was probably just thing needed to end wars amongst the Two Eyed peoples of the world. If you place the tip of your nose against the tip of a friend's nose and then open your eyes you will see there before you your own, but usually hidden Enlightened Third Eye or, as it was once known, the Cyclopsian Eye. Mr. Sydney Cyclops had read among the many books in his library that in ancient Greece one of his ancestors had met a Greek King, Odysseus and Mr. Cyclops supposed that although it must be a grand thing to meet a King it was upsetting to him that this King Odysseus had been very nasty to his ancestor. And, by a strange coincidence his Cyclopsian Ancestor had also lived alone! 'Are people of my kind always destined live alone?' he asked. Cyclopes in Ancient Times had a reputation for being cranky and a little uncivilized but this was because most people thought creatures with only one eye much too odd and quite frankly, a little frightening to be bumping into after a night of liquid refreshment at the local tavern and as Cyclopes' had been forced out of polite society they hadn't learnt to use handkerchiefs, brush their bowler hats or polish their monocles properly. It's true they delighted in eating sheep but they rarely ate more than one at a time. They aren't reported to have been adept in the art of polite conversation either but that was a very long time ago and Mr. Sydney Cyclops had learned how hold a fork properly, knew which side of the plate to put his butter knife and didn't slurp when eating soup. He knew how to tie a tie and instead of a cave, he lived in a cottage. He also sported a beautifully brushed bowler hat so Mr. Sydney Cyclops was a very civilized sort of Cyclops after-all and there was no reason he could think of that would account for his solitude and lack of anything useful to do. People these days don't believe there are any Cyclopes anymore and that, is very sad indeed and in fact, entirely opposite the truth of the matter. Mr. Sydney Cyclops had occasionally overheard people of the village say that once, a very long time ago there had been many Cyclopes in this part of the country but they had all mysteriously disappeared and try as he might he was never able to find them or a trace of where they might have gone and now there was only him. Mr. Cyclops of Cyclops Cottage. Although he had imagined her, there was no Mrs. Cyclops and although he had a terribly tidy cottage and dressed in the most fashionable styles he did long for another of his kind to visit him in his cottage and sit so that they might keep each other company. Especially on cold, dark nights because it is a well-known fact that a dark night is twice as dark for a Cyclops.